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Wednesday 24 May 2023

Rules of Comedy 🎭🎭

last year I read a books about 2 boys wanting to make it BIG as comics.
the MC boy's late-father was a renound comic. and as comedy came natural to the boy so why not follow in his footsteps behind his mother's back?

I say this, because each chapter started off with a rule of comedy. and as this was a library book, I wrote down those rule of comedy into a home-brew scroll. πŸ“œ✍️
(I love public libraries)
I mention this bit, because I put the Golden Rules of Comedy in my room somewhere, but I forgo πŸ’€

anyhoo, today as I'm subscribed to a certain copywriter who's allegedly #1 in his country... πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸŒπŸ¦˜πŸͺƒ
(if you know who I'm talking about comment on this post and I'll reply back if you got it)
after a short anecdote to smoothly segway into HIS Golden Rules of Comedy, HERE ARE HIS 6 COMMANDMENTS:

1. Lean into your unique sense of humour. Whenever someone says “I’m not a funny person”, I counter with, “so you never laugh at anything with your friends?” They always have to concede that yes, they do laugh at stuff. I simply say, lean into that humour — whatever it is for you. In the beginning of my email list, that was dad jokes and bad puns for me. Over time, I learned to be a bit more sophisticated. But I never tried to force a sense of humour that wasn’t mine.

2. Make YOURSELF laugh. The best litmus test I have for whether an email is funny … is whether I am laughing writing it. Many of my ‘funniest’ emails (as judged by list feedback) are the emails where I was nearly crying at the keyboard over with laughter. (You have no IDEA how hard I was laughing the other day when “Evil Bard” came out of nowhere and started cussing its haters πŸ˜‚)

3. Think like a comedian. I was helping my brother Benjamin edit one of his emails the other day … and I found myself explaining it to him with this metaphor. Visualise a comedian on stage, delivering their routine. Where do they pause? Where do they adjust their tone? Where do they make a face? It’s funny because I don’t even WATCH that much comedy, let alone perform it … yet I still often think of my emails in terms of delivering a stand-up act.
(I wanna do stand-up but not at a bar) 

4. Read funny writers. I’ve learned a lot from noticing when and how other writers make me laugh. It helps to go broad here, across genres. So not just email copywriters (Kevin Rogers, Justin Blackman, Laura Belgray and Chris Orzechowski come to mind for me as funny writers) … but fiction writers too (Douglas Adams and Andy Weir stand out for me). 
(funny words are funny)

5. Stories from your life make it easy to be funny. If there is a moment from your daily life that made you or people around you laugh … there is a good bet you can get a laugh out of it by retelling it in an email.
(don't think you have to write in chronological order. the best pieces aren't)

6. And most importantly: Practice … a lot. You know what I think has made the biggest difference? The fact that I show up and write an email EVERY SINGLE DAY, and have done for 3+ years. No, not every one is designed to be funny. But most of them are. And that has meant well over 1,000 chances to see what ‘hits’ … and what flops. I’ve noticed a massive improvement over time in my ability to gauge how ‘funny’ something is without even sending it … and accordingly, to just write funnier stuff. And I think the biggest factor has just been how many chances I've had to practice being funny.

Tuesday 9 May 2023


psych2go is primarily a YouTube channel that began late 2014.
they've grown in numbers since then. as they should.
as they're a good channel. their team of writers, animators, PR and everything needed to run a successful INFORMATIVE YouTube channel is widely appreciated to the public.

p2g (psych2go in abbriviation) aim to gently teach the public, young or old, male or female, of all backgrounds about the good and bad traits inside of them, and how to keep the Earthly community healthy.

some of you may find the channel cringe. and that's fine.
p2g isn't for everyone. πŸ’πŸ’‍♀️πŸ’‍♂️

please also note, that p2g like to make videos on "secret intelligence." as in "we're all smart"✨ 
seriously though. p2g have made a bunch of videos showing how people are smart even if they don't seem it.
which is nice, I do need to work on giving myself... positive affirmations 🀒✨

idk why p2g remake the same ol videos over and over?
it's not that they've gone Hollywood. the videos are as good as ever. 
they even make playlists to help viewers navigate to videos. (not specifically for secret intelligence)
but you could search for it, and they all appear lined up like children at the end of break. 

Saturday 15 April 2023

Portia P. Pooper: a revenge story

i never believed it could end up like this. 
not in a million, BILLION years.
but when word came in that a Tiefling had stepped foot in my village i had to follow up. 

it didn't happen in my lifetime. but because it happened i never got to meet my grandparents. i never got to fall asleep from sitting on their laps too long. i never had the memories of hiding behind their shoulders after messing up at home, and hearing the comforting words "that mistakes happen, and that everything will be alright..."

i had to piece out the story from older relatives about whay happened, and WHO were involved.
i wasn't entirely sure about what i would do. at first i imagined bloodshed in honour of the fallen. 
but late at night when i couldn't sleep, i'd think about them. i'd wonder about how my family would have been like, and how i should honour them in revenge.

would they have wanted me to slay them all?

would they have wanted me to make the rest of their lives a living hell?

or would they have wanted to reason with these "beings" and maybe help work on their anger/bloodlust issues?
history is full of heroic battles, maybe what the world needs now is diplomacy. a way to ensure that nothing bad can ever happen again...

why did they slay my family? was it anger? disgust? fear? or were they just drunk and inconsiderate?

why did "Mephistopheles Creed" behave so humbly compared to the stories i heard growing up?
why did he make it so invigoratingly hard to maintain my hate?
was this the same party he was with that attacked my island? (or what would have been)
no. I was told that the invaders were ALL Tiefling.
this new group is mixed race.

who are you Mephistopheles? are you some kind of Monk now? did one of your reoccurring nightmares FINALLY make it though your dense skull and put you on the path to redemption?

my step away from the murder-path. which felt like a lifetime wasted on anger. 
fortunately, i still have another full life waiting ahead of me. 🧟🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️ πŸ₯

take good care of each other Magic Misfits.
i never got to hear how all your stories turned out. 

Mephistopheles Creed, i  personally forgive you for your part in my family massacre.
i don't forgive your 'old sailing crew.' but you've been nice enough for me to pardon.

πŸ”½ this following meme came to me in a dream πŸ”½

Thursday 17 November 2022

Happy World Journalism Day

those of you reading this blog may find yourself thinking
"isn't journalism dead?" πŸ’€ 
after all, with everybody jumping around the internet (not quite knowing or wanting to know how it works) we all have the power to say what we like, whenever! 
it's not just a Fox-News-Fake-News dealio, everybody is to blame here!

well I say BAH. if journalism is truly DEAD πŸ’€ 
then explain THIS Sheeple! 

Monday 31 October 2022

existential type test


hello my name  is Lysa. Never going  give you up never going to let you down. Never going to turn around and dessert you? I don’t know the rest of the song only the chorus lyrics and i don’t even know that well  and  also i don’t know how to spell words correctly thanks to autocorrect making me not having to memorise correct spelling or  grammar. I just realised i spelt “gonna” once and used going the rest of the verse so i changed it now for consistency and now I'm thinking up new words to type to test how well i can type … technological advancements make it more difficult for me to learn AND retain information in my mind/notepad because i can simply “save for later” and rewatch/re-read again… and if i get curious i can use  google or bing or youtube to learn but i don’t feel  like I've really learned anything because i haven’t actually done that very thing myself, I'm just waiting for my time to shine, and i worry when exactly my time to  shine is and  who’s calling  me out there for a challenge fit for Lysa [MIDDLE NAME REACTED] Ali… and until then I'm just looking up trivial facts  for the sake of “learning something new” and  by that i mean I'm “learning for the sake of learning” and not “learning for  a specific job that i want or need to  do…”

i cannot believe i did a type test after a  existential thought about keyboards and technological advancements from  a  mini video. the internet has indeed ruined me and i wish i could either disconnect more,  or find  healthy solutions that make  me feel  empowered again.

for the  record: i type APPARENTLY like a T-Rex but that's only because I get OCD about spelling.
IDAFF about grammar about capital letter any more, and YES I've seen that "uncle Jack" meme which is why i use capital letter for nouns, pronouns and acronyms AND FOR EMPHASIS. because i figured out how i talk  from writing these blogs  and realised that context is more important than The Rules.

i haven't CHOSEN to  use Times New Roman for  a long time. I've been using  Calibri because it's the new  default, but Arial  is  decent  too, maybe even better if you like BIGGER characters. before Calibri  I've been  using  Arial  Rounded Bold because  again: BIG LETTERS and BOLDNESS and also because people hate Comic sans and this kinda felt like a loophole. IDK who uses Helvetica. Hipsters, maybe? they like to stand out from the crowd with like-minded  people, but that only forms another type  of  crowd. so why not "chamelonise" yourself and walk in and out crowds  as you like?
oh wait, some people have attachment issues and don't like it when people act like they have their own life  and want to experience new things and meet new people.

the first font i genuinely like was  Microsoft Sans. again: it was BIG. it was BOLD  and it felt like a loophole to not using Times  New  Roman  for class, but since everybody used Comic Sans to match the teacher, and I didn't want to be a sheep, found other fonts that were simple because that's just who I am: not a sheep, but also not too different to  sheep  because I was  too  raised  in a flock. examples  include goats, llamas, alpacas (except not  really because I'm short) cats, dogs and foxes behave similarly and  I  just  vibe with their  thoughts. small  rodents too, just not insects because they die too quickly... and not just because we  squish them.