About Me

Wednesday, 14 February 2018


you're driving a small 2 seater car on a dark and stormy night.
you pass a bus stop and notice 3 people:
  • an old lady who's seriously ill
  • an old friend who once saved your life
  • your dream partner

who do you save?

there are many ways of answering this:
  1. you could get your mate to drive the old lady and then walk with your dream partner
  2. you could drive with your buddy and go hang out
  3. you could drive the old lady and be your friend's wing-man and help them get your dream partner
  4. you could drive really slowly towards the bus stop and then speed off leaving a trail of dust
  5. you could do a triple hit'n'run and serve your time in prison
personally, I would choose either the 2nd or 4th choice...