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Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Web3 GAMING..?

Polium is using the new Web3 structure for all those gamers out there. Is it a good idea though?  🤔🤨

Cloud/Server gaming is still  a new concept, and only some productions have pulled it off well. and the whole point of Web3 and Decentralisation gives us: The People more  control on online platforms. 
Cloud Gaming is a great idea because it gives us more space to store ENTIRE game files, however with games with seriously INTENSE graphics, story etc you may need to delete those game files when buying new games.
    there could also be a "gamer library" I guess? 🎮🤡

but imagine server gaming at another level... where people  actually BUY Virtual Storage at their preference with all the needs they need to play the games they want with little physical stuff in their house/room/etc.

and to think, all this re-structuring is possible  because the Mothers and Fathers of the internet. whoever they were chose for the TCIP stack to be free for all to use as we go and change for all our convinient internet needs. ✨

FYI Polium releases the console in 2024. stay tuned I guess?

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