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Tuesday, 27 March 2018

the hero that no one talks about

have you ever thought what would happen if dung beetles went extinct?
I haven't, it was just yesterday after watching a paticular TedEd video where I was given the truth.

if dung beetles died out, the world would be covered in poop, dung beetles eat our stools. they legit chew through our chocolate-hotdogs and keep our planet clean with less methane.
not only do they eat poop but some beetles dig them underground to protect their eggs from predators.
so the next time you see poop or a dung beetle you'll appreciate the beauty of nature.




Friday, 23 March 2018

hydration 101

recently I have figured out how to stay hydrated. typically lots of people tend to use words of profanity therefore my suggestion to stay hydrated is to take a sip of water whenever you hear these words of the profanity group.

sure, it'll feel strange and unnatural at first, but then you'll be grabbing your water bottle without any thoughts.

For more information please search up Pavlov's dogs.

Sunday, 18 March 2018

a paradox this is

here's a random thought I had in the shower. that's right, I shower unlike those heathens that lie there in brown water...

"sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." this saying contradicts with "the pen is mightier than the sword" and that saying contradicts with "actions speak LOUDER than words"
so it's a impossible to find out if words are stronger than actions 

Saturday, 17 March 2018

my legacy

since the dawn of time, every man woman and child has had a dream. so that when they die, there will be something the whole world can remember them by.
this could be anything: a plant, a machine, a person, an organ or... a word.
my dream is to make the word "disgrucious" a proper word.
disgrucious is an adjective and it is defined as sickening and repulsive.

Monday, 12 March 2018

case-sensitive passwords

when you're logging into a website for the first time with details given by a teacher, the password may start with a capital letter.
usually, when you receive your password you type it in exactly how it says on the paper slip.

however, when you see a bright red message saying something like how your username/ password is incorrect you doubt yourself and think that you made a mistake so after the billionth time you typed in your password very carefully, and still see the bright red message, you suddenly realise that the teacher shouldn't have used any CAPITAL letters and then correct your mistake!

- I probably should have spotted the mistake a lot earlier

Sunday, 11 March 2018

the best day of the week

why do most people only look forward to the last 3 days of the week? can't we treat each day with as much excitement as the last?

I mean sure, work starts on Monday but it also ends on Friday, it's not like we don't have to turn up on a Friday. treating the days so differently sounds depressing that happiness can only happen at the weekends that it's illegal and the cops will beat you to prison for smiling

"how dare you be happy! don't you know that it's a workday?" see, it just sounds silly.
so let's stop the silliness and enjoy each day as it is our last

for visual thinkers, please consult the unscientific diagram shown below:

(found on some guy's Instagram. idk it must have been reposted a million times)

Thursday, 8 March 2018

annoying phone calls 📞

most people agree that after picking up your ringing phone to answer a call only to find out that it's some random guy in a small cubicle with an old computer running windows vista in 2018 is annoying.

⏩⏩ I mean come on, it's 2018 who even uses vista? just update your computer already windows 10 is great and I'm 100% confident that the future updates are going to be awesome! mainly because new is ALWAYS better. but enough about outdated stuff, lets talk about phone calls. ⏩⏩

people today don't call as much as they used to, I think, I'm born in the 2000's. If you do get a call from some stranger, don't get annoyed and hang up, play a game on them like repeat everything they say after/ at the same time, pretend that you're selling them something or pretend that you don't speak english and talk in a foreign accent.

all I'm saying is these phone calls have the potential to be the highlight of your day (if you have a boring life, seriously, I recommend getting out of the house more.)