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Friday, 5 August 2022

measuring temperature 🔥🌡️❄️

this isn't something i normally think about. this is a rather odd thought to me, which is saying something as i like to think the unorthodox of thoughts.

i'm writing this blog now, as reflection after seeing a video by Answer in Progress (swish)

normally when i check the weather forecast. (which isn't often)
but when i do, i usually only look at the top number because... laziness ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
after all, why should i look at all the information when i can use previous knowledge of how hot/cold the displayed temperature will be. the REAL QUESTION is: 
why is the hottest part of the day around 3-4pm? 

but this video that i'm pondering over, made me realize how easy we take life in some areas. i mean we can't put 100% in everything we do all the time, that leads to burnout. 

when Sabrina was going over the factors affecting the weather forecast (displayed just below the forecast info. very easy to find and read) i realized that it takes more than just heat/solar intensity to foretell weather updates. 
and that's why i'm writing this very blog now. to tell you people how incompetent i am at times.

also i initially thought Sabrina was going to talk about Celcius, Farenheit, Kelvin and some other temperature measurements because of how the video was titled.  

(how I genuinely felt watching that video)

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