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Sunday, 24 July 2022

a number that is both ODD and EVEN..? πŸ€”

 okay I'll admit it. I only had this thought from watching one paticular episode of Victorious (Brain Squeezers, s4 e10)        

-poor Cat, right?


anyway,  back to the point of THIS blog. my guess for the number that is BOTH Odd & Even, and I'll explain afterwards are:  -2, -1, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 7 and √2

I picked -1 and -2 for similar reasons as 1 and 2,  because this whole number game seems like the positive and negative numbers parallel with 0

0 is also a weird number to me, and "ODD" can mean "odd numbers" or it could mean, "different to what is usual or expected; strange."

I picked  half because it can be written as decimal (0.5),  fraction (1/2), percentage (50%) etc...
and since 0.5 and 1/2 both mean the same thing AND they both end with an odd/even number, it sticks out to me. (I guess so will -0.5, but whatever.) 

2,3,5&7 are the first 4 primes. and of them 2 and 7 stick out as 2 is apparently the only even prime (0 is not prime) ☹️
and 7 or SEVEN, if you rearrange the letters in its name, you get EVENS
which YES is a bad joke, but so is the titular question, right?
it must be a bad joke, right? if not a bad joke, then a lateral 

my last number is √2. idk much about the number. all I know is that Pythogoras went BALLISTIC over it and killed his student after bringing it up.


Pythagoras dismisses his class and waves them off to enjoy the rest of the day. all students leaves except for one: 

Hipposus: teacher, teacher that was a great lecture you gave us on tri-go-no-metry?

Phythagoras: that's correct

Hipposus: that was a great lecture you gave today. also I did some light reading the other day on the caravan ride over to school. 
(Hipposus is not a local student, he normally reads Pythagorus' parchments, but he saved up enough money to come see one of his lectures. -it'll wash him away...)

I was doing some calculations on the caravan over here, when I stumbled across a funny number... √2? can you go over my work please? -I'm not shore if I went wrong somewhere?


(But the calculations weren't wrong.  and as Pythograsus' eyes scanned across the parchment at the young man's immaculate calculations. an ugly thought of worry a-piered in his head... a worry that grew into envy.

Eventually, Pythagoras handed back the parchment to Hipposus.)

Pythagorus: (smiling with eyes closed) everything looks good.
you're a fin-tastic student, with a promising future ahead of you. take the rest of the day off and seas the day! you need to really shell-ibrate your youth, you know? πŸ˜œ

(and so Pythagorus waved his student off. his face growing stern when Hipposus was no longer in sight... later in the evening Pythagorus kidnapped Hipposus with a sack over his head and drowned him at sea.
his reason?  √2 is a bad number, and the lord posidon warned him to act upon it..

        Pythagorus ought to learn not to be so salty!
            if he were a better/more humble teacher, he would have seen more booty
            in the mathmatical world. 
πŸͺ™πŸͺ™πŸͺ™ he would have been swimming in drakhma

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