About Me

Sunday, 24 July 2022


I should probably learn to be more scared of the police?
this blog, is probably going to be a not-favourite to read.

I'm not a weirdo because I like the cops. lots of people like the cops, firefighters and the rest of the emergency services crew. 
but I may be a weirdo because I get a burst of energy with the desire to play small tricks when cops are around.

the emergency services are COOL! it's got a mix of field workers and seat workers which gives off a lite spy agency vibe.
seat/office workers get to learn some serious IT tricks and watch over the systems live like a hawk. ðŸŠķ and if they get an emergency alert, they pick up the phone, find out the 5 W's all the ways they can, and then send out people to the destination of the caller, like a hawk. ðŸŠķ

now comes the reason why I become "the weirdo"

where most people panic or freeze when cops are present,
acting all innocent like little lambs grazing in the uncanny valley, I feel a rebellious urge to act out, like a human.
a normal human. - normal people are chaotic, and I LIVE FOR THE CHAOS and when the chaos dies down a bit I feel weird like I have to keep the momentum/ "humanism" alive until the chaos level returns to normal.

FOR THE RECORD: I don't do BIG CRIMES. just any small game that won't hurt anyone, but can cause inconvenience.
nothing that would get me sent to jail and affect my future negatively. although, if I were to sink that low I'd probably call the cops for me.
and as I can't see myself committing super serious-high-security level crimes, the jails I picture myself in the calmer prison cells where I could ACTUALLY rehabilitate.

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