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Thursday, 21 July 2022

Eco Flying 🛫🌄🛬

this blog is a real #ThrowbackThursday to a piece I wrote 4-5 years ago. back when I thought I'd actually be a "proper" blogger. I know, I know it's sad. boo hoo...

but this blog isn't about ME. it's much bigger than 1 puny human, it's about... The Future of Earth. 🌟

travelling is such a fun concept. it takes us out of our daily lives and places us in a whole other mindset.
however it is killing our planet. climate change predictions from 2050 are visible in 2022. this is UNACCEPTABLE. no, more than that, this is

back to the blog: my ideas to improve air travel 
1. why can't the wings be made of solar panels? in addition to burning fossil fuels for take off, because that's the real important bit.
the wings can be made of solar panels so that the plane can fly cruelty-free and the panels can help recharge the battery mid-air 

2. this one IS already in place. aeronaughtic engineers over the world are designing better engines and stuff to improve the flying experience both for people and planet 

3. airport regulations. this could work in parrallel to government, where both parties can set regulations and targets regarding emissions to seriously cut down.
personally I LOVE the idea of biofuels and the thought of cows wearing fat-backpacks (or buttpacks) puts a smile on my face 

I don't have too much to  say. most of the  points are all below in the TedTalks. so think of this blog as a re-post  type deal?


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