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Thursday, 1 September 2022


many years ago, idk when and I don't plan to look up when this episode was written. The writers of The Simpsons wrote a mild-at-best joke.

now I like the Simpsons.I have liked the Simpsons for a long time.
many people seem to inly like the first 4 seasons and then drop the show, but I like the show until the 20s. (haha)
the current seasons aren't much better, but the writers have become aware of how we the audience feel of the show and imbed that into their modern episodes. which again is hit or miss... but I'm not here to rant about modern Simpsons.

I'm here to rant about THIS JOKE. it may not be a very good joke, but it's simple and memorable and quotable. and this memorability may have got the attention of British writer Malorie Blackman or a bunch of people currently working with the BBC

this is NOT a witty joke. writers can write much better than this, then again... I don't suppose it's healthy for people to have lazer focus in their work at all times when they also have to, you know, do the rest of their work. 
what is surprising to me, is just seeing people perhaps subconsciously taking inspiration from the Simpsons or coincidentally having similar ideas for a story. I mean, at least these new people have a story mountain/timeline whereas the Simpsons writers needed a quick joke to transition into the current story that in the grand scheme of the episode/series/things doesn't even matter.

moral of this post: 
sometimes we get so hyper-focused on one thing, we lose sight of the bigger picture.

also, the creative industry is full of co-incidents. 😐

also, the Simpsons have proven yet again if their relevance in today's world. (and in a way, so did South Park. because this is *their*  phrase)

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