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Thursday, 13 October 2022










US road systems... and European road  systems... are like  reverso-twins! | !sniwt-osrever  ekil era ...smetsys  daor naeporuE dna ...smetsys daor SU

I'll explain:

in Europe, we mainly  drive on 2-way single  roads. that means 1 car each side  going back and forth on the road. and when we want to travel LARGE distances we  have double, triple  and  in  some cases (except-until-recently-with-whatever-the-hell "digital roads" are 4 lane roads.

anything to avoid THIS  hideous concoction

while in America (according to Anton T. Santucci explaining circuit buses with highway-metaphors)
normal roads have 2 lanes on both sides and highways are 2 lanes total. 

not comparing at which layout/system is better. our nations do what's best for its people in the long term
(or try/say they do...) just wanted to share the thought.


also if you're wondering why I didn't mention African, Asian, Oceania roads. it's because IDK about African, Asian, Oceania roads. maybe check out the 2 videos in the linked-images below? you know, if you want.




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