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Sunday, 24 July 2022

a number that is both ODD and EVEN..? ๐Ÿค”

 okay I'll admit it. I only had this thought from watching one paticular episode of Victorious (Brain Squeezers, s4 e10)        

-poor Cat, right?


anyway,  back to the point of THIS blog. my guess for the number that is BOTH Odd & Even, and I'll explain afterwards are:  -2, -1, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 7 and √2

I picked -1 and -2 for similar reasons as 1 and 2,  because this whole number game seems like the positive and negative numbers parallel with 0

0 is also a weird number to me, and "ODD" can mean "odd numbers" or it could mean, "different to what is usual or expected; strange."

I picked  half because it can be written as decimal (0.5),  fraction (1/2), percentage (50%) etc...
and since 0.5 and 1/2 both mean the same thing AND they both end with an odd/even number, it sticks out to me. (I guess so will -0.5, but whatever.) 

2,3,5&7 are the first 4 primes. and of them 2 and 7 stick out as 2 is apparently the only even prime (0 is not prime) ☹️
and 7 or SEVEN, if you rearrange the letters in its name, you get EVENS
which YES is a bad joke, but so is the titular question, right?
it must be a bad joke, right? if not a bad joke, then a lateral 

my last number is √2. idk much about the number. all I know is that Pythogoras went BALLISTIC over it and killed his student after bringing it up.


Pythagoras dismisses his class and waves them off to enjoy the rest of the day. all students leaves except for one: 

Hipposus: teacher, teacher that was a great lecture you gave us on tri-go-no-metry?

Phythagoras: that's correct

Hipposus: that was a great lecture you gave today. also I did some light reading the other day on the caravan ride over to school. 
(Hipposus is not a local student, he normally reads Pythagorus' parchments, but he saved up enough money to come see one of his lectures. -it'll wash him away...)

I was doing some calculations on the caravan over here, when I stumbled across a funny number... √2? can you go over my work please? -I'm not shore if I went wrong somewhere?


(But the calculations weren't wrong.  and as Pythograsus' eyes scanned across the parchment at the young man's immaculate calculations. an ugly thought of worry a-piered in his head... a worry that grew into envy.

Eventually, Pythagoras handed back the parchment to Hipposus.)

Pythagorus: (smiling with eyes closed) everything looks good.
you're a fin-tastic student, with a promising future ahead of you. take the rest of the day off and seas the day! you need to really shell-ibrate your youth, you know? ๐Ÿ˜œ

(and so Pythagorus waved his student off. his face growing stern when Hipposus was no longer in sight... later in the evening Pythagorus kidnapped Hipposus with a sack over his head and drowned him at sea.
his reason?  √2 is a bad number, and the lord posidon warned him to act upon it..

        Pythagorus ought to learn not to be so salty!
            if he were a better/more humble teacher, he would have seen more booty
            in the mathmatical world. 
๐Ÿช™๐Ÿช™๐Ÿช™ he would have been swimming in drakhma

๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ THE POPO ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿš”๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I should probably learn to be more scared of the police?
this blog, is probably going to be a not-favourite to read.

I'm not a weirdo because I like the cops. lots of people like the cops, firefighters and the rest of the emergency services crew. 
but I may be a weirdo because I get a burst of energy with the desire to play small tricks when cops are around.

the emergency services are COOL! it's got a mix of field workers and seat workers which gives off a lite spy agency vibe.
seat/office workers get to learn some serious IT tricks and watch over the systems live like a hawk. ๐Ÿชถ and if they get an emergency alert, they pick up the phone, find out the 5 W's all the ways they can, and then send out people to the destination of the caller, like a hawk. ๐Ÿชถ

now comes the reason why I become "the weirdo"

where most people panic or freeze when cops are present,
acting all innocent like little lambs grazing in the uncanny valley, I feel a rebellious urge to act out, like a human.
a normal human. - normal people are chaotic, and I LIVE FOR THE CHAOS and when the chaos dies down a bit I feel weird like I have to keep the momentum/ "humanism" alive until the chaos level returns to normal.

FOR THE RECORD: I don't do BIG CRIMES. just any small game that won't hurt anyone, but can cause inconvenience.
nothing that would get me sent to jail and affect my future negatively. although, if I were to sink that low I'd probably call the cops for me.
and as I can't see myself committing super serious-high-security level crimes, the jails I picture myself in the calmer prison cells where I could ACTUALLY rehabilitate.

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Eco Flying ๐Ÿ›ซ๐ŸŒ„๐Ÿ›ฌ

this blog is a real #ThrowbackThursday to a piece I wrote 4-5 years ago. back when I thought I'd actually be a "proper" blogger. I know, I know it's sad. boo hoo...

but this blog isn't about ME. it's much bigger than 1 puny human, it's about... The Future of Earth. ๐ŸŒŸ

travelling is such a fun concept. it takes us out of our daily lives and places us in a whole other mindset.
however it is killing our planet. climate change predictions from 2050 are visible in 2022. this is UNACCEPTABLE. no, more than that, this is

back to the blog: my ideas to improve air travel 
1. why can't the wings be made of solar panels? in addition to burning fossil fuels for take off, because that's the real important bit.
the wings can be made of solar panels so that the plane can fly cruelty-free and the panels can help recharge the battery mid-air 

2. this one IS already in place. aeronaughtic engineers over the world are designing better engines and stuff to improve the flying experience both for people and planet 

3. airport regulations. this could work in parrallel to government, where both parties can set regulations and targets regarding emissions to seriously cut down.
personally I LOVE the idea of biofuels and the thought of cows wearing fat-backpacks (or buttpacks) puts a smile on my face 

I don't have too much to  say. most of the  points are all below in the TedTalks. so think of this blog as a re-post  type deal?


Wednesday, 20 July 2022


[link to the Sky news article here] so this is the news now? an antholgy of horror and thrills about politics, diseases, climate change and anything that keeps us up at night. 

for the record, I'm not totally against reporting scare stories. but even horror movies end happy, where good conquers all! news corporations should end their scare segemnts with things we can do to fix the problem, and also NOT KEEP REPORTING SCARE STORIES. 
especially if they've gone of that very same story 5 minutes ago. "a watched pot never cooks" -Confucious -Pheobe Buffay-Hannigan-Bananahammock 

this article is important, and I'm glad it's been said. though at the end their should be a quick summary of all points because (I have trouble remembering lots of "ScIeNcE WoRdS" ) and a summary is a good way to summarise what's been said. 

 that being said, here's a summary of this blog: 
 news corps are weird. 
 journalists shouldn't scare it's viewers with the same stories 24hrs a day, mix up new stories of all tones. 
end with a summary to help memoribility

phases of the moon ๐ŸŒ‘๐ŸŒ›๐ŸŒ“๐ŸŒ”๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ–๐ŸŒ—๐ŸŒœ

according to Wikipedia: the free encyclopaedia, the lunar phase or Moon phase is the shape of the Moon's directly sunlit portion, which can be expressed quantitatively using areas or angles or described qualitatively using the terminology.
the lunar phases gradually change over a synodic month (29.53 days) 

the phases of the moon (as shown in the diagram) are
๐ŸŒ‘ New Moon
๐ŸŒ’ Waxing Crescent
๐ŸŒ“ First Quarter
๐ŸŒ” Waxing Gibbous
๐ŸŒ• Full Moon
๐ŸŒ– Waning Gibbous
๐ŸŒ— Third Quarter
๐ŸŒ˜ Waning Crescent


sounds simple enough. though the names can be confusing as "Quarter" is normally shown differently in drawings, while in this case there are 8 total phases and it takes 4 phases to get to another quarter, hence the name quart.

still easier to get your head around how Lunar Eclipses work.
on paper it just looks normal, after all the Sun is WAY BIGGER than the Earth and the Moon.

bibliography to educate yourselves: ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿฆ‰


Musical Post Script ♪
there are SO MANY songs about the phases of the moon, and I for one am SUPER APPRECIATIVE of them!

5. Ducktales moon theme - not about the moon, more for EXPOSITION. 
which moon/space songs do you like?


Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Web3 GAMING..?

Polium is using the new Web3 structure for all those gamers out there. Is it a good idea though?  ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ

Cloud/Server gaming is still  a new concept, and only some productions have pulled it off well. and the whole point of Web3 and Decentralisation gives us: The People more  control on online platforms. 
Cloud Gaming is a great idea because it gives us more space to store ENTIRE game files, however with games with seriously INTENSE graphics, story etc you may need to delete those game files when buying new games.
    there could also be a "gamer library" I guess? ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿคก

but imagine server gaming at another level... where people  actually BUY Virtual Storage at their preference with all the needs they need to play the games they want with little physical stuff in their house/room/etc.

and to think, all this re-structuring is possible  because the Mothers and Fathers of the internet. whoever they were chose for the TCIP stack to be free for all to use as we go and change for all our convinient internet needs. ✨

FYI Polium releases the console in 2024. stay tuned I guess?